Is your PDF to Vector product able to generate zlib compressed SWF file?

It is known that pdf to vector converter can transform a pdf file to any graphics formats including swf format. But there are trouble with me. The classical one may be that their volumes are so big. “I like graphics files, but their big volumes are just what i hate”, many people said. Did you have similar experiences? When it takes place, do you want more effective tools? Or even one?  Yes, I do. At last I found it. It is zlib compressed swf file which is small and very convenient and it can be generated easily by the means of pdf to vector converter.

The usage is as follows:

1) learn a new command –swfopt. To be specific, ‘-swfopt “-z”’ should be used to get zlib compressed swf file.

2)Use it. Refer to the window below:

Is your PDF to Vector product able to generate zlib compressed SWF file?

After you enter the press key, you will generate this zlib compressed swf file by your pdf to vector converter. You can check it.

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