Is there a way to convert PowerPoint to jpg of specific color depth conveniently?

Yes, of course. With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can convert PowerPoint to jpg of specific color depth (image bit-count) conveniently. If you want to know more, here is the method below:

Step1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

From this link:, you can download a zip about DOC to Any Converter Command Line by clicking it. Then please unzip it to your computer, and then you can call “doc2any.exe” directly when you need to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

Step2. Run “cmd.exe” to open the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line

To open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you need to run ‘cmd.exe’ in Windows systems. However, in Windows systems, the operating environment is the command prompt window, so you should click “Windows + R” > input “cmd.exe” > press “ok”, then the command prompt window can be opened in your computer.

Step3. Call “doc2any.exe” and process the task from PowerPoint to jpg and set color depth of jpg

After you run “cmd.exe” in your computer, you need to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To realize it in the command prompt window, please call “doc2any.exe” directly by the way of inputting its path in the command prompt window. Then, if you want to edit the image bit-count of jpg, it is essential to type this parameter “-bitcount <int>” after the path of “doc2any.exe”. Next, you should type the path of the PowerPoint file into the command prompt window, because it can help you add this PowerPoint file for this process. Then, in turns, please input a targeting path in the command prompt window, for it can help you save the objective jpg images with customized name. Then click “enter”, and DOC to Any Converter Command Line can convert PowerPoint file to jpg files of specific image bit-count in the command prompt window. And the following command lines are about the relative processes with different image bit-counts:

1. d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 1 f:\input\a.ppt f:\output\a.jpg

2. e:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 4 e:\input\b.ppt f:\output\b.jpg

3. f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 8 d:\input\c.ppt f:\output\c.jpg

4. h:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 24 g:\input\d.ppt f:\output\d.jpg

In the command line above:

  • –bitcount 1 helps you set image bit-count as 1, which leads to black and white jpg
  • –bitcount 4 helps you set image bit-count as 4, which leads to color jpg with bigger size than one in “1”
  • –bitcount 8 helps you set image bit-count as 8, which leads to grayscale jpg with bigger size than one in “4”
  • –bitcount 24 helps you set image bit-count as 24, which leads to color jpg with bigger size than one in “8”

Also you can input other parameters after the path of “doc2any.exe” to get other specific properties of jpg images. To get more parameters, you can visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line at this link: If you have any confusion on the process from PowerPoint to jpg of specific depth, please let us know, we will solve your problems as soon as possible!

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