Is it possible with your ‘VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line’ tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?

Hello there,

Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder? Do you have a solution to do also OCR for the pdf?

Many thanks for your answer!

Best regards,

Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?
VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line can be found from following web page,

>>Is it possible with your 'VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line' tool to configure it to watch a folder and automatically compress the .pdf when arrives in the folder?

Yes, you can write a .bat file to watch a folder, when a PDF file be placed into this folder, this PDF file will be compressed automatically, I have attached a sample .bat file at below.

You can use following .bat command to monitor D:\temp\ folder, if you place a PDF file into D:\temp\ folder, this .bat file will compress it and output PDF file to D:\out folder, you can modify the input and output folders by yourself,

echo Compress PDF file...
for %F in (D:\temp\*.pdf) do D:\VeryPDF\pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 50 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 50 -mi fax -midown -midownres 50 "%F" "D:\out\%~nF.pdf"
ping -n 5
goto retry

>>Do you have a solution to do also OCR for the pdf?

Yes, you can use following products to convert scanned TIFF or PDF files to OCRed PDF files,

Image to PDF OCR Converter Command Line,

PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line,

VeryPDF OCR to Any Converter Command Line,


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