Info PDFCropper

Our situation:
We use AutoCAD in our department (25people), we are software engineers.
This also means that we mostly have to use other sizes then A0 A1 etc.
In the past we plotted to PLT-files and they were converted to PDF-files. (with the inked area) Now we want to start working with the “DWG to PDF” option.
But this means that we must get an solution for the many sizes.

With your tool it seems possible to plot in AutoCAD on a 4000mmx894mm size and use pdfcropper to get the inked area.
It is the intention to finish the plot command with pdfcropper though the command line.

So 2 question
1. Which solution is the best for us (server /pc)?
2. I read that the conversion of a directories is seconds, but on my PC it for each document seconds?

>>1. Which solution is the best for us (server /pc)?

I think the PC side software will work better for you, because you can run "VeryDOC PDF Crop White Margin" on PC side to crop the margins in batch, "VeryDOC PDF Crop White Margin" can be downloaded from following web page,

>>2. I read that the conversion of a directories is seconds, but on my
>>PC it for each document seconds?

The process speed is depend on how complexity of your input DWG or PDF file, if your DWG or PDF file contains too many complex contents, the process will take more time, this is normal.


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