I need a script or command line to batch convert one complete folder of Postscript files to PDF files

Dear Team,

I need a support for writing a script that I want to convert whole folder PS files to Next folder In PDF.

I mean I want to put files PS files in A folder I want to get the out of it in PDF in B folder.

Also whenever I put p files in PS in (A) folder automatically it will convert into pdf In B folder.

Although I am able to convert file single ps file to single pdf file with the script below-

..\bin\ps2pdf.exe ..\PSFiles\1.ps ..\PDFfiles\1.pdf

Looking for revert soon.

Postscript to PDF Converter Command Line


I need a script or command line to batch convert one complete folder of Postscript files to PDF files
Thanks for your message, you can use DOS batch command to convert all Postscript files in a folder and its sub-folders to PDF files easily, please find the example command lines at below.

//You can use following one command line to batch convert all of your files at one time easily,

-- Convert all Postscript files to PDF files from D:\temp folder to D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

-- Convert all Postscript files to PDF files from D:\temp folder to D:\output folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%F" "D:\output\%~nF.pdf"

-- Convert all Postscript files to PDF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion), the output PDF files will be placed to the same folder with original Postscript files, for example,
D:\temp\001.ps => D:\temp\001.pdf
D:\temp\1\001.ps => D:\temp\1\001.pdf
D:\temp\2\001.ps => D:\temp\2\001.pdf

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

-- You can do same works in .bat file, but you need use "%%" to instead of "%" in .bat file,

for %%F in (D:\temp\*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%%F" "%%~nF.pdf"

for %%F in (D:\temp\*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%%F" "D:\output\%%~nF.pdf"

for /r D:\temp %%F in (*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%%F" "%%~dpnF.pdf"

If you want to monitor a folder and its sub-folders for incoming Postscript files, convert these new Postscript files to PDF files automatically, you may try the "PHP Folder Watcher" script, you can use "PHP Folder Watcher" script to convert all PS files in a folder and its sub-folders to PDF files easily,



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