How to use VeryDOC PDF to Word converter to convert PDF files to Word documents?

Nowadays our life has been effected by PDF format not only in academic study but also in other aspects of life. It is just like a beauty, you can see her but touching is unreachable. VeryDOC PDF can help to achieve your dream. If you want to convert the PDF files to other available forms, like Word document, please follow the steps.
First have a visit to VeryDOC PDF by this link.
After installing it, a interface shows like this screenshot.


First click the Add PFD flies or just drag it into the blanks to  choose the file you want be converted. If you want to covert more, just drag all of them into the blanks. You can choose the out options on the right part of it according to your needs. Kindly reminder:Rich Text Format is smaller than the DOC files. Then click the " Convert" button,  the will be created. A word document will bounce to the screen, then you have got this beauty and edit it as you wish.

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