How to use PDF Viewer OCX (ActiveX Control) to view the PDF file from memory?

Is there any complete reference/documentation (website, Document or CHM-file) to the PDFView ActiveX control?

I have downloaded the free trial version of the control, to demo the features of the control to our customer, and would like to use the OpenPDFFromMem - method, but as I see is there only some examples to illustrate some of the features of the control.

Best regards
Thanks for your message, OpenPDFFromMem() function does open and view the PDF file from memory,

BOOL OpenPDFFromMem(long lpPDFData, long nPDFDataLen, LPCTSTR lpszUserPwd, LPCTSTR lpszOwnerPwd);

Please refer to following C++ example for this function,

void CSampleDlgDlg::OnBnClickedButtonOpen()


    char szFilter[] ="PDF File (*.pdf)|*.pdf||";

    CFileDialog  fSaveDlg(TRUE,"","",



    if(fSaveDlg.DoModal() != IDOK)


    CString strFileName = fSaveDlg.GetPathName();


#if 0

    m_PDFViewer.OpenPDF(strFileName, "", "");





    // Memory Open



    CString tmp = _T( "" );

    HANDLE          hFile = ::CreateFile( strFileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );

    if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )


        tmp.Format( _T( "CreateFile ERROR [CODE = %d]" ), GetLastError() );

        AfxMessageBox( tmp );




    DWORD            dwRead;

    DWORD            dwSize = ::GetFileSize( hFile, NULL );

    BYTE*              pBuffer = new BYTE[ dwSize ];

    memset(pBuffer, 0, dwSize);


    if ( !::ReadFile( hFile, (LPVOID)pBuffer, dwSize, &dwRead, NULL ) )


        tmp.Format( _T( "ReadFile ERROR [CODE = %d]" ), GetLastError() );

        AfxMessageBox( tmp );


        ::CloseHandle( hFile );




    ::CloseHandle( hFile );


    BOOL bRes = m_PDFViewer.OpenPDFFromMem((long)pBuffer, dwSize, "", "" );

    if ( !bRes )


        AfxMessageBox( _T( "Open error!" ) );




    CString csCurrentPage = _T( "" );

    csCurrentPage.Format( _T( "Current Page : %d" ), m_PDFViewer.GetCurrentPage() );

    AfxMessageBox( csCurrentPage );






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