How to use doc2any SDK to convert HTML file to PDF file and break the pages?

1) If the HTML required > then one page it would page break it for us in the PDF.
2) Are we able to do page 1 of X?
3) Are we able to use the header on the first page only and then change it to just a small text header? Sample attached.
4) Do you have any page break commands?

Please provide samples in VB.

First page has logo header and footer including page number
Second page has different header and same footer with page number.

Please provide samples in VB.


DOC to Any Converter SDK/COM Version,

>>1) If the HTML required > then one page it would page break it for us in the PDF.
>>2) Are we able to do page 1 of X?
>>3) Are we able to use the header on the first page only and then change it to just a small text header? Sample attached.
>>4) Do you have any page break commands?

Thanks for your message, doc2any SDK can't format the contents during conversion, we suggest you may format the contents in HTML file first, for example, you can include the text header or image header on the first page, and then change it to text header on the following pages, you can use following DIV CSS style to break the pages in PDF file properly,

<div style="page-break-before:always;"></div>

after you create the HTML file, you can use following ASP code to convert this HTML file to PDF file with page breaks properly,

strInFile = "D:\downloads\verypdf.html"
strOutFile = "D:\downloads\out.pdf"
strCmd = "-webkit -$ XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX -wtype 1 -wtext ""Watermark %PageNumber% of %PageCount%"" " & """" & strInFile & """ """ & strOutFile & """"

Set VeryPDFCom = Server.CreateObject("VeryPDF.doc2anyCom")
strReturn = VeryPDFCom.doc2any(strCmd)
Response.write "Processing finished."

>>First page has logo header and footer including page number
>>Second page has different header and same footer with page number.
>>Please provide samples in VB.

Thanks for your message, you can include different headers into HTML contents itself, and then convert this HTML file to PDF file using doc2any SDK product.

You can also convert a simple HTML file to PDF file first, and then use PDFStamp Command Line to stamp different header and footer contents to the PDF pages, you can control the everything to the text stamps, e.g., text position, color, font size, etc., you can also add image stamps using PDFStamp Command Line software. We hope this solution will useful to you.

PDFStamp Command Line can be downloaded from following web page,


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