How to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert PowerPoint to gif?

With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, the conversion from PowerPoint to gif can be done easily and quickly. It is easy to convert MS Office files to other type files with different popular formats mainly with DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which also can provide us the batch conversion and the editing of the targeting properties. Here are the steps to convert PowerPoint to gif with DOC to Any Converter Command Line below, if you are interested in this method, please join me. 🙂

Step1. Open the command prompt window 

It is essential to run the command line converter in its specific environment. For Windows systems, the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the command prompt window. To open it in your computer, please follow the steps below:

click “Windows+R” hot key, you can get the dialog box of “Run” on your screen, then type “cmd.exe” in the edit-box of the dialog box “Run”, then click “ok”.

here is the current directory in the command prompt window below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Step2. Launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line

To input the path of ‘doc2any.exe’ can help you start DOC to Any Converter Command Line at the current directory, or you can use this easier way: drag and drop “doc2any.exe” into the running environment firsthand.

Step3. Add the source file, set the objective file type and the destination folder

To add the source file for the conversion, you can input the source path, or drag and drop the source file into the command prompt window; to set the objective format and the destination folder, you can input the targeting path in the command prompt window.

Step4. Process the task with one click

At last, please click “enter” to convert PowerPoint to gif in the command prompt window. To know more, here is the example with more details in the format:

f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe<space><options><space>D:\ab.ppt<space>d:\ab.gif <enter>

“f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe” is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line; <options> stands for the parameters that are used to set the targeting properties; “D:\ab.ppt” is the path of the source file, which is to add the source file for the conversion; “d:\ab.gif “ is the path of the objective file; <enter> is to make you click “enter” to convert PowerPoint file to gif file.

To know more real parameters, you can click this link:, and here are other examples below:

doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 1 "C:\in.ppt" C:\out.gif
doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 2 "C:\in.ppt" C:\out.gif


-wtext <string>: Watermark text on printed document
-wtype <int>     : type of watermark
                   0 : normal watermark
                   1 : watermark on header
                  2 : watermark on footer

And to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: To buy the official version, you can click this link: At last, thank you for reading this article about the conversion from PowerPoint to gif.

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