How to set PDF compression and PDF/A options when converting from TIFF to PDF?


We use the PDFShell.dll object to convert from TIF to PDF. How can we set the compression of the resulting PDF using this API. Also how do we create PDFA1A and A1B compliant PDF's? Is there documentation for doing this?

Thank you,
Thanks for your message, PDFShell.dll hasn't compression and PDF/A functions yet, however, we suggest you may use following products to achieve your work,

1. You can use PDFShell.dll to convert your TIFF file to PDF file first, like you have done currently,

2. You can use "VeryDOC PDF Compressor Command Line" to compress an existing PDF file with JPEG2000, JBIG2, CCITT G4, DCTDecode etc. compression options, you can also use it to downsample the resolution to embedded images in PDF file,

for example, you can run following command line in CMD window to compress your PDF file, this command line will downsample the resolution to images in your PDF file to 50 DPI,

pdfcompressor.exe -ci jpg -cidown -cidownres 50 -gi jpg -gidown -gidownres 50 -mi fax -midown -midownres 50 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

You can call this command line from your source code to compress the PDF file too.

3. You can use "VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line" to convert normal PDF files to PDF/A files, "VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter Command Line" can be downloaded from following web page,

You can run following command line to convert your normal PDF files to PDF/A files easily,

pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample1.pdf" "_sample1-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample2.pdf" "_sample2-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample3.pdf" "_sample3-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample4.pdf" "_sample4-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample5.pdf" "_sample5-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample6.pdf" "_sample6-pdfa.pdf"
pdf2pdfa.exe -mode 2 "sample7.pdf" "_sample7-pdfa.pdf"

You can also call pdf2pdfa.exe from your source code to convert normal PDF files to PDF/A files, this can be done easily.

If you have any question for above products, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.


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