How to run doc2pdf.exe from an non-administrator user account?

We use doc2pdf in a C# windows service to parse documents. Windows service requires to run under administrator user to run doc2pdf.

My question to you,

Is it really admin user require to run doc2pdf in windows server or can we remove admin user and set any other user instead?

You can run doc2pdf.exe from any user account even if this user account hasn't administrator privilege, because doc2pdf.exe is require MS Office to convert office documents to PDF files, so this user account must has enough privilege to run MS Office applications.

You can also download and try our DOC to Any Converter Command Line software, DOC to Any Converter Command Line has three methods to convert office files to PDF files,

1. Use MS Office,
2. Use OpenOffice,
3. Use VeryDOC's Office render engine,

We hope this software will work better for you,

Please look at following web pages for more information,

btw, if you will run doc2pdf.exe from an non-administrator user account, please login this user account first, run doc2pdf.exe in CMD window to convert a doc file to pdf file, if you can get it work correctly, you should no problem to run doc2pdf.exe from Windows service to execute the conversion.

If you will use doc2any.exe application, you can use VeryPDFComRunCmd.exe to call doc2any.exe from Windows Service, please look at following web page for more information,


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