How to remove PDF password by PDF password remover?

Question:Anyone can help me?I have some PDF password files but I forgot the password and can't open it.  Is there anyway to open it?And how? Can your VeryDOC PDF password remover do this?

Answer: If you forget the open password of the PDF, VeryDOC PDF Password Remover can not help you do that. Even if, this software sells hundreds of copies but there are still some customers confuse about why this software can not be used to remove all kinds of password. And if they know the password, why they still need this tool. In order to clear those doubts, I publish an article here.

Know what can do for you of PDF password remover?

  • PDF Password Remover can be used to decrypt password protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, which have "owner" password set to prevent PDF from editing (changing), printing, selecting text and graphics.
  • This software can help you remove all the limitation protected by the owner password in batch.
  • When the PDF is protected by owner password only you can open it, but you can not edit, print, sign PDF and change content of PDF. With an owner password, the owner can protect the PDF files from printing, copying or editing. If PDF file is protected by only owner password, you can read it but maybe you cannot edit or print it.
  • By this software, you can remove owner password and those limitations directly.
  • And it supports PDF 1.0-1.7 format, including 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-bit AES decryption, compressed files and unencrypted metadata.

What can not be done by this PDF password remover?

  • This software can not be used to remove open password protected PDF file if you do not have the right to open it or do not know the open password.
  • Open password was set by the people who create the PDF file for protecting PDF files from opening by others without the author permission. If a PDF file is protected by the user password, only the people who enter the password can open the PDF file.

For now on VeryDOC there is no better way to solve this problem. NOW there is no application which can be used to remove open password directly under the condition that you do not know the open password. However, there is one in the market maybe can give you some help. It is PDF Password Cracker Professional edition, by which you can search for "owner" and "user" passwords with brute-force and dictionary attacks, effectively optimized for speed (however, don't expect to recover long passwords in a reasonable time with these attacks).

  So if you have any clue of the password, this toolkit will help you a little bit more. During the using of VeryDOC software, you are welcome to contact us as soon as possible.

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