How to edit flash properties when converting PowerPoint to flash

This article aims to show you how to edit flash properties when converting PowerPoint to flash with command line through VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter in Windows systems.

Here are details to convert PowerPoint file to flash file and set flash properties flexibly with commands below:

Step1. Install VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

You need to download installer from below:

Download VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter

Then, double click this installer and follow setup wizard to install this software so that you can get CMD and GUI versions in your computer one time.

Step2. Run cmd.exe in your computer

You need to open command prompt window, which is running environment of commands in Windows systems, and it could be accomplished through running cmd.exe or cmd in your computer.

Step3. Convert PowerPoint file to flash file and set flash properties flexibly

VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter allows you to edit various options of flash – SWF files, and here are examples below:

  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -width 640 -height 480 -swfrate 24
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfanmi 0 -swfdelay 1 -swfmouse 1
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfsymbol 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfloop 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfloadbar 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfctrolbar 0
  • pptconv.exe C:\in.ppt C:\out.swf -swfmaster 0

where parameters:

    1. -width <int>: Set page width to SWF/PDF/PS file
    2. -height <int>: Set page height to SWF/PDF/PS file
    3. -swfrate <int>: Set frame rate to SWF file
    4. -swfanmi <int>: Enable/disable Slide Transition Animation
    5. -swftrans <int>: Enable/disable Transition Effects
    6. -swfmaster <int>: Whether integrate the image on master slide into each slide
    7. -swfdelay <int>: Enable/disable delay between slides in SWF file
    8. -swfmouse <int>: Enable/disable trigger by mouse in SWF file
    9. -swfsymbol <int>: Enable/disable special characters in SWF file
    10. -swfloop <int>: Enable/disable loop SWF file
    11. -swfloadbar <int>: Enable/disable loading bar SWF file
    12. -swfctrolbar <int>: Enable/disable control bar SWF file

where directories:

    1. pptconv.exe : run software through calling executive file “pptconv.exe” in command prompt window
    2. C:\in.ppt : specify source PowerPoint file
    3. C:\out.swf : specify targeting flash file of SWF format

After you type commands like above separately in your own command prompt window, if you use this application to process it, later on, your PowerPoint file could be processed into flash files with great option as you wish! And then, you can find out that the targeting SWF file is of great quality than you can imagine!

Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC PowerPoint Converter to convert PowerPoint file to flash file and edit flash properties with commands. To know other software through reading articles like this, please keep visiting here, then you can find more helpful tools via their short articles here!

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