How to customize HTML margin during printing HTML

In this article, you can know how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to customize HTML margin during printing HTML file with command line on Windows platforms.

VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter is a professional tool which can be used to batch print HTML, HTM and URL to Windows Printer. This application can help you print the whole web page's content to Windows Printer without user interaction. This software also could be used in various program languages, e.g., Delphi, ASP, VB, C/C++, PHP, C#, .NET, etc..

Here is free trial version of VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter for you to download below:

Download VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter Here are steps to use this software to customize HTML margin during printing HTML with commands below:

html2any.exe -marginleft 10 -margintop 10 -marginright 10 -marginbottom 10

where directories are:

  • html2any.exe is to call executive file “html2any.exe”
  • is to specify input online web page through URL

where parameters are:

  • -marginleft <int>: set left margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -margintop <int>: set top margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -marginright <int>: set right margin when printing HTML file, unit is point
  • -marginbottom <int>: set bottom margin when printing HTML file, unit is point

After commands and parameters like above are typed in command prompt window, it is time for you to print file of HTML and customize HTML margins, and then, VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter can provide you with accurate margins printed files with selected format.

Extension Knowledge:

HTML format, is web page coded in HTML that can be displayed in a Web browser. Most pages within static websites have an ".html" extension. The HTML source code is parsed by the Web browser and is typically not seen by the user. If you want to view the HTML of a web page, select "View Source" from the Web browser's View menu. Since HTML files are saved in a standard text format, they can be opened and edited with a basic text editor.

Thank you for reading this article, which is about how to use VeryDOC HTML to Any Converter to customize HTML margins during printing HTML with commands.

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