How to create transparent SWF file from PDF file?

I think you can use PDF to Flash Converter to help you create transparent SWF file from PDF file. And if you would like to know more details, you can go on reading this article.

First of all, please download zip file of PDF to Flash Converter, then open this zip file on your computer, and extract the content of this zip file to your computer so that you can use PDF to Flash Converter on your computer directly.

Then, please click hotkey of “Windows + R” on your computer, then input “cmd.exe” in dialog box “Run”, then click “OK” there, finally, command prompt window can be popped on your screen, which is the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter in Windows systems.

Next, please input command line with example referred to so that you can fulfill your process from PDF to SWF and get transparent SWF file successfully on your computer:

f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –transparent d:\source\in.pdf d:\target\out.swf

You need to know followings from the command line above:

1. f:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe is the path of “pdftoflash.exe” typed for using PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window.

2. –transparent is a parameter to assist PDF to Flash Converter produce a transparent SWF file later.

3. d:\source\in.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is to add this PDF file for this process.

4. d:\target\out.swf is the targeting path typed for naming and saving SWF file on your computer.

After you type command line like above accurately in command prompt window, you need to take the last step, which is to click “enter” button in command prompt window so that PDF to Flash Converter can help you produce transparent SWF file.

I think you can get the method to convert PDF to SWF and get transparent SWF with PDF to Flash Converter by now. So if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter for the illutration of this process above, you can definitely go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter.

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