How to convert xls to pcx in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line?

With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can convert xls to pcx in batches. DOC to Any Converter Command Line could not only help you convert Office formats file and OpenOffice formats files to any popular format files depending on your requirement, but also help you edit the properties of the objective files and process the batch task one time.

To convert xls file to pcx file in batches, you may need to follow the several steps below in turns: 

  • start the running environment
  • open the main tool
  • get the basic preparation done
  • one click to process the task

To start the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, there are 2 ways for you to choose:

  • click “Windows+R”> type “cmd.exe” > press “ok”
  • click “start”>click “Run”> input “cmd”> click “ok”

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>” is the current directory in the command prompt window. After opening the operating environment, please input the path of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window, or drag and drop “doc2any.exe” into it, which can help you launch the converter. When you complete launching the main converter, there are 2 choices for you to select:

  • input the parameters in order to set the properties of the pcx file
  • avoid setting the targeting properties to add the xls file for the conversion

If you choose the former, please input the parameters into the command prompt window due to your requirements, and then input the targeting path to set the objective file type and the targeting folder; if you choose to avoid setting the properties of the targeting files and want to add the source file directly, please drag and drop the xls file into the command prompt window, which can be displayed as the source path in the command prompt window, and type the objective path as well. After you finished all the prepared work, please click “enter” to over the input, and let DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert xls to pcx in batches. And here is the example below, where <space> stands for the click on the button of “space” and <options> represent for your parameters.



It is essential to replace all the filenames with “*” in both of the source path and the targeting path to start the batch conversion; and E:\c\*.xls is the uniform source path of xls files in the folder of “c”; and H:\d\*.pcx is the unified path of pcx files, which can be produced after the conversion. When you want to process the files in batches and by your own, please keep the input turn and the accurate format with the paths that can be changed.

In the end, it is completed to convert xls to pcx in batches with DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Interested in this amazing tool, please click this link to try it:, and please click this link to log on its main webpage to know more about it, if you would like:

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