How to convert thousands of PDF to Postscript file in a specified folder?

Question:I've discovered multiple options for convert a few to several PDF into Postscript, but many are command-line programs with command-line limitations (this application lives on .NET). I need to run the conversion from ASP. And I must create the file first containing all 10,000 PDF and edit it in an additional pass, I'm OK with that, too. I should mention that speed is important. I need to print 10,000 at a time, but need to keep the printers busy 24-hours/day.Our application generates tens-of-thousands of PDFs that we need to send to a printer, except BEFORE the Postscript is printed we need to edit the Postscript to insert print command instructions (duplex, tray-pulls, highlight color, etc.) Is there a solution on VeryDOC?

Answer: When you need to convert thousands of PDF to postscript to postscript in a specified folder from, maybe you can have a free trial of VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter, by it you can convert PDF to postscript fast and accurately. When you need to output postscript in specified the output folder, simply use wild characters and write some bat files then you can solve this matter. By the SDK version of it, we can call it from Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, ASP, PHP, C#, .NET, etc. Using the COM object (or DLL Library, or Command Line), file conversions can be done consecutively or simultaneously.  In the following part, I will show you some example of how to call it.

Step 1. Free download PDF to Vector Converter SDK

  • There are two versions of the SDK for you to choose: developer version and server version. Please choose the proper version according to your needs.
  • When downloading finishes, please extract it to some folder then you can use it normally. This software is compressed to zip version for Windows.

Step 2. Convert thousands of PDF to postscript and specified output folder.

  • Here is the usage for your reference: pdf2vec.exe [options] [Options] <PDF Files>
  • Here are some command line examples for your reference:
  • pdf2vec.exe -psmode 0 C:\*.pdf C:\*.ps
    pdf2vec.exe -psmode 1 C:\in.pdf C:\
    pdf2vec.exe -psmode 2 C:\in.pdf C:\
    -psmode <int> : convert PDF file to vector Postscript file
       -psmode 0: convert PDF to Postscript via printer driver
       -psmode 1: convert PDF to Postscript via local interpreter 1
       -psmode 2: convert PDF to Postscript via local interpreter 2
    By those three parameters, we can print PDF file to local printers where you can edit it before processing according to your needs.

  • Here is an example of calling this software from ASP code, please have a check.
  • Please by following steps to call pdf2vec.exe inside a special user account,
    1. Please download and install EXEShell COM Library (freeware) from following URL first,
    2. Please use following ASP code to run the conversion inside a special user account,
        Set comEXEShell = Server.CreateObject("")
        RootPath = Server.MapPath(".") & "\"
        EXEFile = RootPath & "pdf2vec\pdf2vec.exe"
        PDFFile = RootPath & "test.pdf"
        SWFFile = RootPath & "out.swf"
        strCommandLine = EXEFile & " " & PDFFile & " " & SWFFile
        response.write strCommandLine & "<br>"
        comEXEShell.RunCommandLine "UserName", "Password", strCommandLine
        Set comEXEShell = Nothing
    You may encounter Error 1314 in some Windows systems when you switch between user accounts, this is caused by permission setting, please refer to the steps in #2 to solve the 1314 Error.

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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