How to convert Text files to TIFF files?

Is there a reference guide for the command line of Doc2Any? I recently purchased a license for one of our servers to do batch conversion of TXT to TIFF, but there seems to be an error in the conversion, as the files are coming across as garbage and the conversion shows ERROR. I would like to see what the error is and verify i am doing the TIFF conversion correctly.

Yes, you can use doc2any to convert text files to TIFF files, please look at following web page for more information,

In general, you can run following command lines to convert text files to TIFF files easily,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 4 "C:\in.txt" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -compression 4 "C:\in.txt" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 4 "C:\in.txt" C:\out.tif
doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useprinter -compression 4 "C:\in.txt" C:\out.tif

If you can't get it work, please feel free to let us know what command line that you used, we will assist you asap.


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