How to convert Postscript to text or image?

Question: Is there a Postscript to Text/Image Converter package? I need the command line version. Is there such package on VeryDOC?

Answer: Now on VeryDOC, we do not have software which can be used to convert Postscript to image, postscript to text by one software. But we have software which can help you make it in separated version. They are VeryDOC Postscript to Text Converter and VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter. Both of them are command line version. Please check more information of those two software on homepage. in the following part, I will show you brief information of converting Postscript to image, postscript to text.

Converting postscript to text.

  • Download Postscript to Text Converter Command Line. When downloading finishes, it is a zip file. You need to extract it to some folder then you can call it normally from MS Dos Windows.
  • Please rest assured that all the VeryDOC software are free downloading, and there will be no virus taken in.
  • Here is the usage of software: ps2txt.exe [options] [Options] <PS Files>
  • When converting postscript to text, please refer to the following command line templates:
  • ps2txt.exe C:\ C:\output.txt
    ps2txt.exe -nolayout C:\ C:\output.txt
    Here is the parameters for reference:
    -firstpage <int>   : first page to print, from 1 to max page
    -lastpage <int>    : last page to print, from 1 to max page
    -nolayout          : don't maintain original physical layout
    -nopgbreak         : don't insert page breaks between pages

Converting Postscript to image

  • When converting Postscript to image, please download Postscript to Image Converter. Please use the same method like above software to make it work.
  • Here is the usage:ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]
  • When converting Postscript to image, please refer to the following command line templates:
  • ps2img -c lzw -i C:\ -o C:\output.tif
    ps2img -q 80 -i C:\ -o C:\output.jpg
    ps2img -b 4 -i C:\ -o C:\output.tif
    Here are some parameters for your reference:
    -i [input PS file]   : Input PS filename
    -o [output TIF file] : Output TIFF filename
    -g                   : Convert to 8-bit grayscale image file, this option
                           is only available while bitcount equal 8 (-b 8)
    -m                   : Set output to multi-page TIFF file, the
                           default is output to single page TIFF files
    -r [resolution]      : Set resolution in generated image files
        -r 300           : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 300 DPI
        -r 200x300       : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 200x300 DPI
        -r 204x98        : Set horizontal and vertical resolution to 204x98 DPI
    -f [first Page]      : First page to convert
    -l [last Page]       : Last page to convert
    -c [compress]        : Set compression method in generated image

Please get more information of them on homepage. By those two software, we can convert Postscript to image, postscript to text easily. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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