How to convert PDF to XML in programming language Visual C++

VeryDOC PDF to XML Converter SDK is available in converting PDF to XML and integrating its functions into any programming languages, e.g., C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, Delphi, C/C++, ASP, PHP, etc..

Generally, this SDK is a DLL Library, which helps you render PDF pages to XML data, text data and image files for further Data Analysis, thus, PDF page content could be used by programmers conveniently.

What is SDK?

SDK, which is short for software development kit, is a set of software development tools to enable the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, operating system, or similar platform. SDK, which could be as simple as an application programming interface (API) in the form of some files to interface to a particular programming language, also may include sophisticated hardware to communicate with a certain embedded system. Usually, SDKs frequently include sample code and supporting technical notes or other supporting documentation to help clarify points from the primary reference material. SDKs include debugging aids and other utilities often presented in an integrated development environment (IDE).

After short description about mentioned SDK tool and SDK itself, here is trial version of VeryDOC PDF to XML Converter SDKfor you to try. And the following example shows you more details about how to convert PDF file into XML data, text data and image data for further usage in Visual C++ programming language:

void main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != 2)
printf("%s C:\\in.pdf\n", argv[0]);
char *lpInPDFFile = argv[1];

    char szOutInfoFile[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szOutInfoFile, "outimage-info.txt");
char szImgFile[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szImgFile, "outimage-%04d.png");
char szOptions[1024];
sprintf(szOptions, "-res 150 -bitcount 24 -outimg \"%s\"", szImgFile);
bRet = VeryPDF2XMLConverter(lpInPDFFile, szOutInfoFile, szOptions);

    char szTxtFile[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szTxtFile, "out.txt");
bRet = VeryPDF2XMLConverter(lpInPDFFile, szTxtFile, "-txt");

    char szOutXMLFile[MAX_PATH];
GetModulePath(szOutXMLFile, "out.xml");
bRet = VeryPDF2XMLConverter(lpInPDFFile, szOutXMLFile, "");
printf("VeryPDF2XMLConverter, Return value: %d\n", bRet);

Besides basic functions this SDK tool supports, there are other functions it enables for you to apply in conversion from PDF files to XML files or integrate into your own applications. And for all functions are encapsulated in a DLL Library, to get all of functions, please purchase developer license of VeryDOC PDF to XML Converter SDK.

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