How to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer?

PDF to Flash Converter can not only help you convert PDF to SWF, but also can help you make images of SWF clearer on your computer of Windows systems. Here are more details below:

You need to install PDF to Flash Converter on your computer firstly:

1. Get zip file of PDF to Flash Converter from here

2. Open this zip file and get the content extracted on your computer

Then, PDF to Flash Converter can be used later directly on your computer.

Next, please click “Windows + R” hotkey in order to get dialog box of “Run” popped on your screen, then type “cmd.exe” there and click “OK” so that the operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter can be opened automatically, which is command prompt window in Windows systems. Then, please do the followings to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer:

1. Type the path of “pdftoflash.exe” into command prompt window, which is used to launch PDF to Flash Converter there.

2. After one click on “space”, please type this parameter with true value “-swfimagezoom <int>” in order to adjust resolution of images in SWF files with multiple, where “<int>” can be 0, 1, 2 or 4 accordingly, and here are the difference below:

  • 0 : resolution is same as original PDF file
  • 1 : resolution is 1x original resolution, quality of images is worst and size of images is small
  • 2 : resolution to 2x original resolution, quality of images is better than 1
  • 4 : resolution to 4x original resolution, quality of images is better than 2

After that, please click “space” in command prompt window.

3. Input the source path of PDF file in order to add this PDF file for this process in command prompt window, then get one click on “space” in command prompt window.

4. Type the objective path in order to assign a targeting folder and name your SWF file in command prompt window directly.

Finally, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then PDF to Flash Converter can help you process your task quickly, and later on, you can find your clearer SWF file in destination folder on your computer.

Here is the relative example below:

d:\pdftoflash_cmd\pdftoflash.exe –swfimagezoom 2 f:\examples\source.pdf f:\examples\target.swf

By now, if you have some questions on process to convert PDF to SWF and make images of SWF clearer, you can drop your comments here, we will help you as soon as possible. Of course, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please go to official website of PDF to Flash Converter.

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