How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

A kind of software called pdf to vector converter has to be used, if you want to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file. It is a converter which can convert PDF file to many scalable vector graphics formats.

At first, download it from the following websites:

Second, extract from this file and a file folder will be gotten. Open it and find the file “pdf2vec.exe” which is what you need.

Third, click on the tag run which will come out after you click on the button start on the taskbar. A dialogue box will be turned up on desktop. Type cmd and click on “OK”.


Fourth, after those steps, a window will be appeared. The first thing you need to do is to change the location using the dos command cd. Specific as follows:

For example, the pdf2vec.exe is located in the folder called pdf2vec_cmd which is on desktop. And now you need to type “cd desktop\pdf2vec_cmd”and press enter.

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file? 

And then, the window will show as follows:

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

Fifth, you need to use pdf2vec.exe to convert the pdf file into a windows emf file. The specific are:  type “pdf2vec.exe D:\test\test.pdf c:\test.emf”, which means to convert test.pdf in the folder test of disc d into a windows emf file. Among this, “c:” means that the object file is located in the disc c and “test.emf” is the filename. The details are:

How to convert PDF file to Windows EMF file?

After those are done, you can go to disc c to check it.

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