How to convert PDF file to PS (Postscript) file?

The Postscript file format is really a text format which is made for postscript interpreter. Postscript is actually a page description language which created to allow the creation and transfer of printer-ready output.

Pdf to vector converter which is a kind of converters need to be used for converting pdf file to ps (Postscript) file. This tool can convert PDF file to many scalable vector graphics files. Sure, ps file is one out of those.

If pdf to vector converter has been one of your choice, there are following things you need to know.

First of all, you can get it from following web URLs,

Next, you need to uncompress the .zip file you have downloaded and double click on the uncompressed folder to find the execute file which can be abbreviated as exe.

Then, click on the button start on desktop and  find the label run on the coming menu and click on it. After that a dialogue box called Run will be shown. Type cmd into the input box in the right of the label open and hit OK.

How to convert PDF file to PS (Postscript) file?

Furthermore a window called c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe is seen after these previous steps have been finished. At this time, the first thing is to change the current directory to where the exe file is located. The detailed steps are:

For example, the execute file in my computer is in the folder pdf2vec of disc "d". Then these things are to be done.




Last but not least, this step is the most important one which is to convert pdf file to Postscript file actually. To suppose that the execute file is called pdf2vec.exe, you need to type the command:

pdf2vec.exe D:\test\test.pdf D:\test\

A space is lied between pdf2vec.exe, D:\test\test.pdf and D:\test\ “D:\test\test.pdf”is the path of test.pdf.  “D:\test\”is the path of the objective file. The first part of “”is the filename which you can change from to whatever you want and the last part is the file format which you can change from too.


Up to now, you have gotten a ps file.

If you wish convert PDF file to EPS file, just run following command line in CMD window,

pdf2vec.exe D:\verydoc\test.pdf D:\verydoc\

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