How to convert OpenOffice Calc to flash?

OpenOffice Calc is the spreadsheet component of the software package, which is popular around the world. Calc is similar to Microsoft Excel, with a roughly equivalent range of features. Calc is capable of opening and saving most spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel file format which provides a number of features not present in Excel, along with being capable of writing spreadsheets, including a system that automatically defines series for graphing based on the layout of the user's data.

Flash files are in the SWF format, traditionally called "ShockWave Flash" movies, "Flash movies" which usually have a .swf file extension, and may be used in the form of a web page plug-in, strictly "played" in a standalone Flash Player.

But how could we convert OpenOffice Calc to flash? DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been designed to help users convert Calc to flash so easily! Click this link to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and download it here: Here are the details of converting Calc to flash below:

  • Open MS-DOS system first: click [start] button of pc, and click [Run] button on start menu to get a dialog box popup,  then input [cmd] and click [ok] button.


  • Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line: in the dialog box of [cmd.exe], input [cd\] and click [Enter] in order to jump to root directory. Then make program jump to directory of main disk where [doc2any.exe] is located, so here we need to input [D:] and click [Enter] of keyboard, anyway, you could type [E:] and click [Enter] if your [doc2any.exe] is located in disk (E). Then drag [doc2any.exe] into the dialog box and click [space] to be continued.


  • Input source and targeting paths: input the source path and click [space], then input the targeting path of folder, and create a name with [.swf].


  • Click [Enter] button of keyboard to convert Calc to flash.


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