How to convert Microsoft Office documents of doc to swf?

DOC to Any Converter Command Line could assist you with doc to swf. .Swf is the file extension of flash files. Here is the method below on converting word to flash.

1. Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line: download it by clicking this link:, then save it and unzip it to your computer.

2. Register this converter with cmd. exe:

  • click “windows+R”--->a dialog box named “Run” is popup--->input “cmd”--->click “Enter”;
  • input converter path--->click “space”--->type its register code;

3. Type command line:

  • type the path of DOC to Any Converter Command Line--->click “space”, which is to prepare for using it;
  • input the source file path--->click “space”;
  • input the objective file path--->click “enter”;

You could refer to this below if you do not understand much:

D:\>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\
c" D:\abced.swf

Here when typing the objective path, users could custom its objective folder and file name and location. “D:\abced.swf” could be replaced by “E:\flash.swf” or “C:\xxxxx\slide.swf”, for example. Or change “slide.swf” into “slide%.swf” in order to get some swf files from each page of doc.

4. You could browse this swf with web browsers like IE explorer, and you will also know what an amazing and powerful converter DOC to Any Converter Command Line it is, and how easily it is to convert word to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line!

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