How to convert from Landscape Excel Spreadsheet to PDF Document with -nooffice option?


I am trying to convert an Excel document to PDF with doc2any.exe. The conversion was working when using Excel, but I need the conversion to occur through a scheduled task. Since this is not running in an interactive mode, the conversion is failing. I am attempting to convert the document by passing in -nooffice, but it is not picking up on the fact that the excel document has the page set to landscape. I tried to pass in -printerpaper "11x8.5in", but it is still being printed to 8.5x11. I also tried passing in -useprinter, but I am getting the same results.

I also tried to pass in in width and height as landscape (

c:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -debug -nooffice -width 792 -height 612 -view test.xlsx test.pdf

) and getting the same results.

Is there a way to have the excel document converted to a landscape PDF without using MS Excel?


How to convert from Landscape Excel Spreadsheet to PDF Document with -nooffice option?

Thanks for your message, the page size (-width 792 -height 612) and page orientation options will be ignored when you use -nooffice option, if you need to use the paper size option, you have to remove the -nooffice option, and also arrange doc2any.exe work from an interactive user account instead of system user account, because without "-nooffice" option, doc2any.exe will use MS Office to convert from Office documents to PDF files, MS Office application can't work properly from Local System user account, you have to run doc2any.exe from an interactive user account in order to get it work properly.


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