How to convert excel to swf?

It is not very easy to convert excel to swf usually, but luckily DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been invented, which is an amazing converter on converting excel to swf, here is the link of its introduction: , where you could know more about it.

So how to convert Microsoft office excel to swf format with DOC to Any Converter Command Line? I will give you the corect answer about it.

First, install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, you could download it through clicking this link:, save it and unzip it to pc.

Second, register this converter with “cmd.exe”, here is the example you could refer to:

open “cmd.exe”: click “start” button->check “Run” of start menu->input “cmd” in the popup dialog of “Run”->click “ok” button;

input register code in dialog box of “cmd.exe”:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>cd\(enter)


D:\>doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe(space)xxxxxxxxxxxx (enter)

OR you just:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\>doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe(space)xxxxxxxxxxxx

enter” and “space” means users need to click the buttons on the keyboard; “xxxxxxxxxxxx” represent the register code of converter.

Third, process this converting from excel to swf:

D:\>doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe(space) “C:\Documents and Settings\admin\Desktop\simpleplan.xls”(space) D:\simpleplan.swf(enter)

(“……doc2any.exe” is the path of “doc2any.exe”; “C:……simpleplan.xls” is the source path; “D:…swf” is the targeting path.)

Then your swf file could be added into D disk of your pc. And if you want to convert each sheet of excel to swf files, just change “simpleplan” to “simpleplan%”.

At last, close the dialog of “cmd.exe” and browse your swf file with web browsers, where if the display of swf is not clear even small, just click the right button of mouse to check “zoom in”.

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