How to convert DWG/DXF to SWF/image/PDF

In this article, I would like to show you how to use VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DXF/DWG  to SWF or DWG to DPF/image in Windows systems.

VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter could be used in converting DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF/image file, DXF to PDF/SWF/image on Windows platforms. With this command application, produced files, e.g., PDF, image, SWF, etc., could be edited in flexible properties, e.g., PDF width and height, etc.. Here are steps to convert DXF/DWG file to SWF/image/PDF with commands below:

First of all, please get trial version of VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter:

Download VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter

Then, your own conversion from DWG file to SWF file, or DWG file to PDF file with commands, could be carried out as below:

1. Open command prompt window

Command prompt is elementary running environment of commands in Windows systems, so you’d better run cmd.exe to open it in your computer for typing commands later by yourself.

2. Convert DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF file

After running cmd.exe, please make sure you understand usage of this application:

dwg2vec.exe [options] <dwg-file> [<out-file>]


  • dwg2vec.exe: run software through calling executive file “dwg2vec.exe” 
  • [options]: optionally parameters for you to edit properties of targeting file
  • <dwg-file>: specify input DWG/DXF file
  • [<out-file>]: specify output file

If you understand this usage, here are referred examples below:

dwg2vec.exe C:\test.dwg C:\out.swf

(note: this example is about no properties editing)

dwg2vec.exe -width 612 -height 792 C:\test.dwg C:\out.pdf

(note: this example is about editing PDF width and height as 612, 792)

When all prepared work is done well, you can start to convert DWG file to SWF file, or DWG file to PDF file, for example, then through commands and parameters you typed, targeting file could be produced into destination folder directly within a few seconds only! Then, when you check it, the quality of produced file could shock you in any ways!

Here is the end of using VeryDOC DWG to Vector Converter to convert DWG file to SWF file or DWG file to PDF/image file with commands, for more functions of this software, welcome to reading other articles here later.

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