How to convert docx to mhtml?

Question:I am interested in the product, I downloaded the trial version to convert docx to mhtml, but I want to know how to make it and how to do the compression options?


Answer: We have software VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter which can help you convert docx to mhtml, but there is no option for compressing mhtml file. Now we do not have software which can compress mhtml file, if you need we can customize one for you. In the following part, we will show you how to convert docx file to mhtml.

First, download DOC to Any Converter.

  • This software needs to run in the MS Dos Windows, it is the command line version. After downloading, you will find it is the zip file. Please unzip it then check elements in it.
  • If you want to check the conversion effect, both running the bat file and inputting the command line following the example are OK.

Second, run the conversion.

  • The syntax of this software: DOC2Any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]
  • So we need to convert docx file to mhtml, we should use the command line like following:
                                  doc2any.exe C:\in.docx C:\out.mhtml

Attention here: when converting doc to mhtml, MS Office is not necessary to be installed. But when converting docx file to mhtml, MS Office is the essential condition.

  • If you need to specify the height and width, please use parameter “ –width &  -height”. And this software also supports wild characters. 
                                 doc2any.exe  -width 612 -height 792 C:\*.doc C:\out.mhtml
  • If you want do the batch conversion, maybe the following command line is good:

    doc2any.exe  "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif  for %F in (D:\test\*.doc) do "doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"    for /r D:\test %F in (*.doc) do "doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

There are some parameters for compression, but they work only when the output file format is tiff. Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshots.

conversion process in MS Dos Windows
                   Fig. 1. conversion process in MS Dos Windows

input docx file and output mhtml file
       Fig. 2. input docx file and output mhtml file

During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible. The contact ways have been stated on our contact us website.

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