How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

Open your computer and enter DOS window, drag the icon of the software of VeryDOC to any converter into DOS window, which downloaded from the address, here take care of the icon route, when downloaded and remained in a disk, during the drag, you’d better do it from the resource management of the computer, in order to avoid some non-recognition. Then in turn drag the icon of doc file and eps file into DOS window, the latter operation you can repeat the former, then substitute eps for doc. Below is the illustration to indicate the key way for doc to eps.

How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

This indicates the software is downloaded and remained in D disk of the computer, and on the left the doc document has been founded.

 How to convert doc to eps by VeryDOC to any converter?

This indicates the drag from the store in D disk into DOS window.

This step operates right for doc to eps, the left is easy to do, believe you have understood.

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