How to call "PS2Image.PS2ImageClass" from ASP source code to convert from PS files to image files?


I purchased a license for PS2IMG this morning but I don't get the COM component to work on a 64bit Windows 2008 R2 server.

First, after purchasing the component I downloaded the ZIP from the URL in your confirmation mail ( ) but when I unpacked it and ran test.bat it kept saying 'Evaluation version of the PDF/PS Converter SDK product'.

I continued anyway installing the component using COM-DLL-x64-install.bat. It installs fine and confirms the DLL is successfully registered. But when I try to initiate it from ASP:

set ps2imgObj = Server.CreateObject("PS2Image.PS2ImageClass")

it returns:

006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3

After reading some faq's on your website i tried one more thing, to use 'ps2imgcom.exe'. After uninstalling the first try (COM-DLL-x64-uninstall.bat) I unpacked your ZIP in C:\Program Files\ps2imgsdk\ and ran in de bin directory ps2imgcom.exe /regserver. But now Server.CreateObject("PS2Image.PS2ImageClass") returns:

006~ASP 0178~Server.CreateObject Access Error~The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.

I gave the Windows 'users' user group full control over the C:\Program Files\ps2imgsdk\ directory.

Now I don't know what to try anymore, do you have suggestions for me to get it running?

Thanks for your message.

You need set permission to "PS2Image.PS2ImageClass" in your system first, if you don't know how to do, please look at following web page,

In this example, please assume "Your COM Name" is "PS2Image.PS2ImageClass", please allow "Everyone" user to access to this COM component, then you can call it from your ASP application properly.


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