How to batch convert from XLSX files to CSV files without MS Excel application installed?

I noticed that you offer a solution to convert XLSX to CSV. Here is what i am looking for and wanted to know if your product can do this via BATCH:

1. Assign a a target folder.
2. Search that target folder for all *.XLSX files.
3. Convert all *.XLSX files in that folder saving as *.XLSX.CSV
4. Delete converted *.XLSX files from that folder


How to batch convert from XLSX files to CSV files without MS Excel application installed?
Thanks for your message, we suggest you may download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line from this web page to try, you can use VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line to batch convert from XLSX to CSV files easily,

After you download it, you could run following command line to convert a XLSX file to CSV file from command line,

doc2any.exe -nooffice D:\test.xlsx D:\out.csv

You could run following command line to batch convert all XLSX files to CSV files in D:\temp folder,

for %F in (D:\temp\*.xlsx) do doc2any.exe -nooffice "%F" "%~dpnF.csv"

If you wish convert all XLSX files in D:\temp and its all sub-folders, you could run following command line,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.xlsx) do doc2any.exe -nooffice "%F" "%~dpnF.csv"

The Command Line application works great for batch conversion, you may download it from our website to try, if you encounter any problem, please feel free to let us know, we are glad to assist you asap.

btw, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line doesn't require MS Excel application installed in your system, it's a standalone application.


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