How to batch convert all PS files to PDF or PS files in a folder and all sub-folders?

I have a folder and inside that folders many folders. In those folders I have PDF files which I need to convert to PS. How does Batch process will be initiated. PDF to PS is not supporting batch conversion. Only file to file is supported.

Kindly Guide.
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According to your needs, please have a free trial of this software:

VeryDOC PDF to Vector Converter

pdf2vec.exe C:\*.pdf C:\

By this command line, you can convert all PDF file under some folder to PS file in batch mode.

ok,Sir So If I have a Folder in D Drive say "D:\PDF ALL" and inside that I have 20 Folders say "D:\PDF ALL\A\1.PDF","D:\PDF ALL\A\10.PDF","D:\PDF ALL\B\2.PDF","D:\PDF ALL\C\3.PDF" and I need to convert these files inside those respective subfolders only than what would be the command line

Will I need to Create a Batch file for this or a single command will work

Kindly tell

You can run following command line to convert all PS files to PDF files in D:\temp folder and sub-folders (recursion),

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.ps) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"


for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\ps2pdf.exe" -pdf2ps "%F" ""

If you wish convert all PDF files to PS files by pdf2vec.exe application, please run following command line,

for /r D:\temp %F in (*.pdf) do "C:\VeryPDF\pdf2vec.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.pdf"

I need to convert PDF to PS in Batch/bulk.

I have folder and inside that folder many other folders which contains PDF files. I need to convert them in PS. But PDF to Any support only for individual file conversion and that is not possible when the number of files is too large

How to convert all files and folder at once ?

Is there any command Line Software that could Create Post Script from My Post Script. I mean to say PS to PS conversion. I need to change my PS to PS format as created by your product.

PDF to Vector Converter can only convert PDF file to PS file, it can't convert PS to PS file, however, you can use "Postscript to PDF Converter" to finish your work,

e.g., you can use use Postscript to PDF Converter to convert PS file to PDF file first,

ps2pdf.exe D:\ D:\out.pdf

and convert PDF file back to PS file again by following command line,

ps2pdf.exe -pdf2ps D:\out.pdf D:\

We hoping "Postscript to PDF Converter" software will work fine to you, please download it to try.


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