How could we convert document of OpenOffice to flash quickly? software contains Writer (.odt), Calc(.ods), Impress(.odp), Draw(.odg), Base and Math etc..OpenOffice is available for a number of different computer operating systems which is distributed as free software and could be written using its own GUI toolkit. OpenOffice supports the ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office formats.

However, OpenOffice file could not be edit to animation files, so is there another way to convert OpenOffice to flash directly and quickly, without professional animation tools? This is a good idea! And with the help of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you could complete to convert document of OpenOffice to flash very quickly for DOC to Any Converter Command Line is absolutely an expert on converting issues, please visit its webpage to know more: And Now please allow me to show you the method to convert OpenOffice to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

    1. Run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

    click [start] button of computer--->choose [Run] on start menu--->type [cmd]--->click [ok] button of dialog box, MS-DOS dialog box will be popped out like below:

    How could we convert document of OpenOffice to flash quickly?

    Input [cd\] in the dialog box--->click [enter], program will lead users to root directory of MS-DOS;

    Let program enter into the disk of doc2any.exe: input [D:]--->click [enter], for me D is the name of disk where doc2any. exe is located);

    Input the path of [doc2any.exe]--->click [space].

    How could we convert document of OpenOffice to flash quickly?

    2. Input source file path and targeting file path: here I take .ods file as an example, input source file path--->click [space], which means there is another command needed to be input, then input targeting file route where you could custom flash name and location.


    3. Click [enter] of keyboard to convert OpenOffice to flash at the end of conversion. Please wait for a few moments, your flash file could be browsed with web browsers.



Finally, it is end to convert ods to flash that is an example to convert OpenOffice to flash with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

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