How can we adjust frame rate from PDF to SWF?

This article can provide you a method to adjust frame rate in flash file through process from PDF to SWF on computers of Windows systems.

Have you ever been trapped in how to adjust SWF frame rate without professional flash maker? Well, if that, I guess PDF to Flash Converter could save you a lot, which is a command line tool that is engaged in helping Windows users convert normal, scanned or encrypted PDF to SWF with various properties easily. By the way, free trial version of PDF to Flash Converter leads to red watermark in each page of SWF, and for removing it for good, I recommend you to purchase full version of PDF to Flash Converter.

However, by now, how could we use PDF to Flash Converter to adjust SWF frame rate? The following could offer you sufficient information:

1. Usage of PDF to Flash Converter

pdftoflash.exe [options] <in.pdf> <out.swf>

2. Parameter for adjusting frame rate

-swfrate <int>: Edit flash frame rate, e.g., –swfrate 72

3. Several examples of process from PDF to SWF with command line

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 72 f:\in1.pdf c:\out1.swf <enter>

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 36 g:\in2.pdf e:\out2.swf <enter>

pdftoflash.exe –swfrate 24 e:\in3.pdf d:\out3.swf <enter>

Of course, besides the integers in examples, other integers could be used as SWF frame rate due to your need. Want to edit multiple properties of SWF, please go to homepage of PDF to Flash Converter right now.

Furthermore, to convert PDF to SWF and PDF to HTML flip book with various patterns one time, PDF to Flash Flip Book Converter could be your best choice. To produce epub from PDF or HTML, PDF to ePub Converter and HTML to ePub Converter are really worth your try!

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