Free SWF to AVI Converter (Limited Time Free)

The New Year, 2012, is stepping to us now. Have you done something for the coming New Year? We here have a gift for you, SWF to AVI Converter, which is free from today to January 31 of the New Year, 2012.

 Free SWF to AVI Converter

SWF to AVI Converter is a professional tool for converting Shockwave Flash to AVI video. This is the homepage of the application, You see that it has a price of nearly $20. Now you can own this application with a permanent valid license for free. How to get it? Just be patient and read those words below.

SWF to AVI Converter is designed especially for converting Flash to AVI video. It is very easy to use it. Below are some instructions for using it to convert a SWF to AVI.

Firstly, download an installer of SWF to AVI Converter for free via, and run the installer.

Secondly, run the application via click its icon on your desktop or from your Windows “start menu”. Then you will see the main interface window of the application as displayed in the following snapshot.

main interface window of SWF to AVI Converter

Thirdly, drag your source SWF files from the window of Windows Explorer and drop them in to the main interface window of the application. In the above snapshot, you can see that there is SWF file put in the file list in the right part of the interface window.

Fourthly, set some options for the conversion. Press [Option] button in the main interface window and you will see an “Options” dialog as shown in the next snapshot.

Option dialog of SWF to AVI Converter

Fifthly, select “.avi” in dropdown list “Output Format”, and press [OK] in the dialog as displayed above.

Sixthly, Press [Convert] button in the main interface window of the application, and now your SWF flash video has been converted AVI video.

Now you must want to know how you can get a free license of SWF to AVI Converter. It is so easy. Before Jan. 31, 2012, send an email with subject I want a free SWF to AVI Converter and any content in email body to , and you will receive a reply email with a free registration code sent by us in no more than 24 hours.

If you are reading this article after Jan. 31, 2012, do not be disappointed and you can follow this way to get a chance for a free license. Download and evaluate SWF to AVI Converter for free, write an article of no less than 300 words about your experience in evaluating the application or any suggestions for this application, send the article to this address , then you will have a chance for owning a free SWF to AVI Converter.

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