Failed to call doc2any.exe from Java application to convert PPTX and DOCX files to PDF files


I am from XXXXXXXXXX and using verydoc.exe production license.

I got the following log while i was running the very doc command from java application deployed on server.

We run the command from java application as given below,

1. C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug "FILENAME.pptx" "FILENAME.pdf"

2. C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug -runasuser -runaspwd "FILENAME.pptx" "FILENAME.pdf"

with 2nd command we are able to convert the files till 17th July 2013 but unfortunately now it is not working now.

Please find the log below

Check license information...
Thank you for choosing 'VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter' product.
Check utility functions...
Start the conversion...
Convert PowerPoint document to other formats...
Loading "FILENAME.pptx" file...[20%]
ReportError: PowerPoint could not open the file.
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
[FAILED] Failed by SaveAs function in MS PowerPoint application.
Prepare to convert "FILENAME.pptx" file...[10%]
Loading "FILENAME.pptx" file...[20%]
ReportError: PowerPoint could not open the file.
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
[FAILED] Can't locate EMF files.
[FAILED] Failed by Render to Metafile function in MS PowerPoint application.
Convert OpenOffice Documents to other formats by OpenOffice: 'FILENAME.pptx'=>'FILENAME.pdf'
[FAILED] Can't retrieve OpenOffice information (shell\open\command) from registry.
[FAILED] OpenOffice does convert this PowerPoint document failed.
Try convert document continue (1)...
Try convert document continue (2)...
Conversion time = 2013ms
FILENAME.pptx ==> FILENAME.pdf, result=ERROR
TickCount = 2013ms(2.01s), Result = 0

Thanks & Regards
Please use full path to try again, can you work fine with full path? for example,

C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug "D:\FILENAME.pptx" "D:\FILENAME.pdf"


In my ticket I already mentioned I tried with 2 options given below but no luck. Can you please suggest us to work this command.

1. C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug "FILENAME.pptx" "FILENAME.pdf"

2. C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug -runasuser -runaspwd "FILENAME.pptx" "FILENAME.pdf"

Thanks & Regards

Please use full path for input and output filenames to try again, for example,

C:\OpenText\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe -$ < License key> -debug "D:\FILENAME.pptx" "D:\FILENAME.pdf"

for example, you can put FILENAME.pptx to D:\ folder, and run above command line to try again.

Can you work fine with full path?

Dear support Team,

With the given command below I can execute in command prompt on the server where verydoc is placed and I can see the output pdf file. My problem is I have deployed my code on server and want to convert office documents to pdf file.

In my commands every time am giving the full path for input and output filenames to convert, here am facing the problem as I mentioned from my first email.

Please let me know if you need more info.

Thanks & Regards

You need set MS Word DCOM run inside an interactive user account instead of default system user account, please look at following web pages for more information,

Please arrange MS Word DCOM run from an interactive user account, please refer to following web page,

"Your COM Name" should equal to "Microsoft Office Word 97 – 2003 Document" in your system, please give enough permission to "Microsoft Office Word 97 – 2003 Document" DCOM in your system to try again.

The following web pages will useful to you too,

We have also a VeryPDF Cloud API Platform, this is a Cloud Service to convert online office documents to PDF files, please look at following web pages for more information,

VeryPDF Cloud API Platform is a cloud service, all conversion will be done on our servers, you needn't install any software to your server in order to convert office documents to PDF files.


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