emf2vec fonts issue, original EMF file is using Times New Roman font, but converted PDF file is using Arial font, please help

Dear Services Support Team:

We have been using your EMF to Vector Converter Command Line tool for a while now. But recently we noticed that this tool has not been able to retain the Times New Roman font from the emf file when converting to PDF.

It always got changed to Arial. We did not have any special font mapping on our system where this tool is deployed.

* Other fonts such as Courier New seems to be fine.
* We also tried your other tool emf2pdf, we were able to get a correct converted pdf.

Here is the simple command line we are using:

emf2vec.exe -$ "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "Annual-Pie-Sector-TNR.EMF" "converted.pdf"

The emf file has been attached to this email. I also attached the other emf with Courier New font.

Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

Software Engineer

emf2vec fonts issue, original EMF file is using Times New Roman font, but converted PDF file is using Arial font, please help
Thanks for your sample EMF and PDF files, yes, we noticed the Arial font is included in your sample PDF file.

We tried to convert your EMF file to PDF file using the latest version of EMF to Vector Converter Command Line tool, the latest version did use Times New Roman font to instead of Arial font in the resultant PDF file correctly, you may download the latest version of EMF to Vector Converter Command Line tool from our website to try again,



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