Doc2Any JPG sizing not working

I want to use doc2any to make 2 versions of JPGs, one full res and one at say 640x480 at 50-60% quality.

It's not working. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Here's my
command line call:

C:/www/ -bitcount 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 "C:\www\\docroot\files\convex_channel.pptx" "C:\www\\docroot\files\converted\\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_files\jpg\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_640.jpg"

Here's what I get....

C:\www\>C:/www/ -bitcount 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 "C:\www\\docroot\files\convex_channel.pptx" "C:\www\\docroot\files\converted\\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_files\jpg\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_640.jpg"
Thank you for choosing 'VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter' product.
Loading "C:\www\\docroot\files\convex_channel.pptx"file...[20%]
Export file(s)...[50%]
Shutdown PowerPoint Application...[60%]
Conversion time = 2402ms

C:\www\\docroot\files\convex_channel.pptx ==>C:\www\\docroot\files\converted\\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_files\jpg\20D2B228-C01D-0D6E-75F2-A088C8A9141E_640.jpg, result=ERROR

TickCount = 2402ms(2.40s), Result = 0


You can run following command line to convert your DOCX file to JPG files and resize JPEG files to 200x150,

doc2any.exe -width 200 -height 150 -useprinter -useoffice 1 "%CD%\example.docx" "%CD%\example.jpg"

Doc2Any JPG sizing not working

Doc2Any JPG sizing not working

You can run following command line to convert your PPTX file to JPG files and resize JPEG files to 640x480,

doc2any.exe -width 640 -height 480 -useprinter -useoffice 1 "%CD%\example.docx" "%CD%\example.jpg"

You can run following command line to convert your PPTX file to JPG files at 300 DPI, this is the full size image,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -xres 300 -yres 300 -useoffice 1 "%CD%\example.pptx" "%CD%\full_size_example.jpg"

Doc2Any JPG sizing not working

Doc2Any JPG sizing not working

also, please don’t use “-bitcount 1” for JPEG image, because JPEG image is not support black and white image.


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