doc to any converter is not creating tif image for pdf,xls,eml,xps file


I have tried using doc converter for jpg, bmp,tiff ,pdf ,xls, eml , xps, html, MHTML into 300X300 dpi grayscale tiff image and used

strCmd = “-$ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -debug -useprinter -multipagetif -xres 300 -yres 300 -bitcount 1 -compression 5 C:\\* C:\\*.TIF”;

This is not creating tif image for pdf, xls, eml, xps file. And creating emty tiff for any image file,html, mhtml im using. same command is running succesfully for doc,rtf,ppt txt .

I dont have ms office. I have open office installed on my machine. I want to convert this for creating OCR through tiff files.

Please suggest me a solution


Thanks for your message, doc2any.exe can't convert PDF file to TIFF file, you need download PDF to Image Converter from following web page to convert PDF file to image file,

you can run following command line to convert PDF file to TIFF file,

pdf2img.exe C:\verydoc.pdf C:\out.tif

pdf2img.exe -f 1 -l 10 -r 300 -mono C:\verydoc.pdf C:\out.tif

doc2any.exe can convert XLS file to TIFF file without any problem, you can run following command line to convert from XLS file to TIFF file,

doc2any.exe -useprinter -useoffice 1 -compression 32773 -bitcount 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 C:\test.xls C:\out.tif

doc2any.exe can't convert EML format to TIFF format at the moment.

doc2any.exe can't convert XPS to TIFF file, you can download XPS to PDF Converter from following web page, XPS to PDF Converter can convert XPS file to TIFF image,

you can run following command line to convert XPS file to TIFF image and other image formats,

xps2pdf.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\in.xps C:\out.jpg
xps2pdf.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 C:\in.xps C:\out-%04d.jpg
xps2pdf.exe -width 1024 -height 768 C:\in.xps C:\out-%04d.jpg
xps2pdf.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 -bitcount 1 C:\in.xps C:\out-%04d.tif
xps2pdf.exe -xres 600 -yres 600 -bitcount 1 C:\in.xps C:\out.tif
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.eps
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.bmp
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.tif
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.jpg
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.png
xps2pdf.exe C:\in.xps C:\out.pcx


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5 Replies to “doc to any converter is not creating tif image for pdf,xls,eml,xps file

  1. Do you have to have interop installed on the server for the SDK to run? I want to avoid using microsoft interop in my web application. I am trying to convert .docx to .pdf format.

  2. Do you have to have Microsoft interop on the server to use the conversion tools? I am currently using openXmlPowerTools to generate and merge .docx files, but need to convert to .pdf for some users and cannot install Interop on my server. If I can do the conversion without Interop, is it better to user the SDK or the COM?


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