Do you have a SDK to convert from Postscript files to TIFF image files?

To Support,

Can you give me the parameter example of how to convert postscript files to .tiff? What do I need to pass as demo license key to test run the dll?

Thanks for your message, you can download Postscript to Image Converter from following web page,

you can use Postscript to Image Converter to convert Postscript file to TIFF image easily, for example,

ps2img -i C:\ -o C:\output.tif


Thanks for your prompt reply. You have mentioned before that I can use the DLL and call its conversion function directly without having to install the COM. How would I go about doing it? You have given me the example before, but, that was for PDF to PS. Can you give me the parameter and the function declaration for converting PS to TIFF? Or, perhaps, an example code? Does not matter what programming language. I will figure it out.

Please download PS to Image SDK from following web page,

after you downloaded the PS to Image SDK product, you can run following command line with administrator privilege to register ps2imgcom.exe COM first,

ps2imgcom.exe /regserver

after you registered ps2imgcom.exe COM, you can use following code to call PS to Image COM from VB code,
Private Sub TestPS2ImageCOM_Click()

    Dim PS2ImageObj As Object
    Dim nRet As Long
    Set PS2ImageObj = CreateObject("PS2Image.PS2ImageClass")
    PS2ImageObj.com_VeryPDFPSToImageSetCode ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
    nRet = PS2ImageObj.com_VeryPDFPSToImageConverter("C:\", "C:\out.png", _
        0, 200, 200, 32773, False, -1, -1, 100, 24, False, "", "", 1)
    Set PS2ImageObj = Nothing

    MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub


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