Convert Word DOC file to PDF file with OpenOffice

I am interested, and am currently evaluating the doc2any command line tool and have a couple of questions.

Firstly - In order to do the conversion to the various different formats - does this tool require any of the other applications to be present on the machine it is running on.

E.g. if converting from .odt to .doc - does the machine on which doc2any is running require OpenOffice and/or Word to be installed?

Also, is there any better or more direct way to call the application from a PHP script other than using PHPs "shell_exec" command to call the command?
Firstly - In order to do the conversion to the various different formats - does this tool require any of the other applications to be present on the machine it is running on.
E.g. if converting from .odt to .doc - does the machine on which doc2any is running require OpenOffice and/or Word to be installed?

Yes, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter Command Line is able to convert office documents (.doc, .rtf, .xls, .ppt, etc.) to PDF files without depend on MS Office. DOC to Any Converter Command Line will work by following solutions:

  1. If your system has MS Office 2007 + PDF&XPS addon installed, DocToAny will use PDF&XPS SaveAs Addon to save MS Office documents to PDF and XPS files,
  2. If your system has MS Office installed but without PDF&XPS SaveAs Addon, DocToAny will use MS Office to print documents to PDF and XPS files,
  3. If your system hasn't MS Office installed, but have OpenOffice installed, DocToAny will use OpenOffice to convert documents,
  4. If your system hasn't both MS Office and OpenOffice installed, DocToAny will use ourself's DOC/RTF render to convert DOC and RTF formats to other formats, but doc2any will not support PPT and XLS formats if your system hasn’t both MS Office and OpenOffice installed, please notice this matter.

In one word, you will able to do following conversions if your system hasn't MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
1. Convert RTF to HTML without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
2. Convert RTF to DOC without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
3. Convert RTF to PDF without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
4. Convert DOC to HTML without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
5. Convert DOC to RTF without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,
6. Convert DOC to PDF without MS Office and OpenOffice installed,

Also, is there any better or more direct way to call the application from a PHP script other than using PHPs "shell_exec" command to call the command?

Yes, you can use CmdAsUser.exe to run doc2any.exe from an interactive user account instead of default SYSTEM user account, you can use exec() command to call CmdAsUser.exe from PHP again. CmdAsUser.exe can be downloaded from following web page,

If you encounter any problem with DOC to Any Converter, please look at following web pages for more information,


I'm trying to run your doc2pdf sample on my Windows 2003 server and the pdf file does not get created. I get the following response line, but no pdf file:

WordToPDF Command Line is: "E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ShareIT\code\test1.doc" "E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ShareIT\code\test1.pdf"

I would like to be able to convert an rtf file to a pdf file using an existing asp application.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your message, our DOC to Any Converter command line does convert DOC file to PDF file properly, please look at above web pages for more information.


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