Convert PDF to PDF/A and control open action

   VeryDOC PDF to PDF/A Converter can help you convert PDF to PDF/A and control open action. Some friends ask that “I was wondering if it is possible to specify an open action (to be more specific: make sure the print dialog is opened automatically when the PDF/A document is opened)”.  With this software, this  matter can be solved and this function is extremely good when you need to do the conversion systematically and automatically.  In the following part, I will show you how this software works.

Step 1. Download PDF to PDF/A Converter

  • This software will remove prohibited entries, e.g., JavaScript, Interactive Form etc from PDF during the conversion and it will add missing XMP metadata automatically. There are more functions of this software, please check details on the website.
  • Once downloading finishes, there will be zip file in downloading folder. Please extract zip file to folders and call it from MS Dos Windows.

Step 2. Convert PDF to PDF/A and set open action.

Usage of PDF to PDF/A Converter:pdftools [options] <pdf-file> [<out-pdf>]

  • When you need to do the conversion, please refer to the following command line template.
    pdf2pdfa.exe -startpage 2 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
    pdf2pdfa.exe -startpage 2 -openaction 100 C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf
  • -startpage <int>    : Set the current page when open the file
    -openaction <string>: Set OpenAction to PDF file
          OpenAction includes "FitBH", "FitH", "Fit", etc., for example:
          -openaction "FitBH" or -openaction "50"
          -openaction "50" means display pages with magnification=50%.

    By this software you can specify the started page when the output PDF/A is opened. This function can be used when converting PDF with thousands of pages to PDF/A and you need to let reader know the key point which is stated in some page.Then by specifying the start page, this matter can be solved well.  Meanwhile, you can control display pages with magnification, by this function the output PDF/A can be read with designed magnification.

  • This function can also be applied in batch conversion mode. When you need to convert PDF to PDF/A in batch and specify open action, you can write bat file or use wild character. Please refer to the following command line template.
    pdf2pdfa.exe  C-startpage 2 -openaction 100 :\in\*.pdf C:\out\*.pdf
  • During the conversion, this software also allows you to add basic information to PDF file, like producer, creator, subject, title and keywords. Please use this function like the following command line template.
    pdf2pdfa.exe -producer myproducer -creator mycreator C:\in.pdf C:\out.pdf

If you need to know, please pay more attention to our knowledge base. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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