Convert MS Office 2010 pptx to pdf and set page width and height in batches

To set the width and the height of the pdf files in batches during the process of pptx to pdf, it is a great choice to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to process this task. The following paragraphs can tell you more about this:

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

Click this link to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer: Then, please unzip the folder to your computer, and you will get a folder named “doc2any_cmd”.

2. Open the command prompt window

The command prompt window is the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems. To start the command prompt window in your computer, you need to click “Windows + R”, and type “cmd.exe” in the pop dialog box “Run”, then please press “ok” in order to launch the command prompt window in your computer.

3. Type the command line to process the task

In the opened command prompt window, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” into the command prompt window in order to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Then, you need to set the width and the height of the pdf file via inputting the parameters “-width 1111 –height 999”, which helps you edit the width and the height of the pdf file as 1111 and 999, for example. Also you can set the width and the height by the way of inputting other value following the “-width or –height”. After this, please add all of the pptx files for this conversion, to realize it in the command prompt window, please input a uniform path in the command prompt window. For instance, “d:\ab\*.pptx” can be used to represent all of the pptx files in the folder of “ab”. Also, you can input the targeting path in order to select the objective folder for the pdf files together. At last, please click “enter”, then DOC to Any Converter Command Line can help you convert Office 2010 (Office 2007) pptx to pdf quickly.

The following command line will help you understand this conversion more:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –width 1111 –height 999 F:\abin\*.pptx F:\about\*.pdf<enter>

(note: pptx is the format of Office PowerPoint 2007 and Office PowerPoint 2010 in Windows systems)

According to the description above, the command line above can help us convert all of the pptx files in the folder “abin” into the pdf files, which can be added into the folder “about”.

In the end, if you would like to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line and more parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can press this link to visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:, thank you for knowing the steps to convert Office 2010 and Office 2007 pptx to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

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