Convert MS Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and set page margin of pdf

You can convert MS Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in a few seconds. Besides, DOC to Any Converter Command Line also can help you set page margin of pdf during the process from single docx file to pdf file.

To know more about this process, please keep reading this article.

1. Download DOC to Any Converter Command Line

First, if you have DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, you can ignore this step. To download DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can click this link: After you download a zip file, you need to extract the content in it to your computer so that it can be convenient to call “doc2any.exe” when necessary.

2. Open the command prompt window

This step is essential for running DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your computer, because the command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, without it, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can not work well in Windows platforms. To realize the opening in your computer, you can click “Windows + R” to open the dialog box “Run”, then type “cmd.exe” in this dialog box, finally, please click “ok” in that dialog box so that the command prompt window can be popped out on your screen.

3. Get the basic prepared work done

After all the preconditions are existed, please type the command line to call “doc2any.exe” firstly in the command prompt window. And you need to type the path of “doc2any.exe” to call “doc2any.exe”, which means DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be used from that moment. Then, in turns, you need to edit page margin of pdf: please type “-margin <string>”, where “<string>” can be 50 (edit left margin as 50 pt), 50x50 (edit left and top margin as 50 pt), 50x50x50 (edit left, top and right margin as 50 pt) or 50x50x50x50 (edit left, top, right and bottom margin as 50 pt) accordingly, for example. However, you can change the value there due to your requirement on margin of pdf. After that, please type the path of single docx file in order to add it for this process as a source file. And please input a targeting path, which helps you save the targeting pdf file, after the process of Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and set page margin.

To know more info, you can see the following command line:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –margin 50x50x50 F:\input\example.docx E:\output\example.pdf

After the command line like above is typed in the command prompt window, please click “enter” in it, then your pdf file can be added into the targeting folder.

Well, I’m afraid here is the end of this article, and thank you for sharing this with me. And if you want to know more information of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and more processes besides the one from Office 2007 and Office 2010 docx to pdf and set page margin of pdf,  it is your best choice to click the following link to visit the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

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