Convert EPS to PDF

For the purpose of converting eps to pdf, you can use the application VeryDOC Postscript to Image Converter as your assistant because it can convert eps or ps format file to a dozens of image formats by inputting several easy commands. In the conversion process, Postscript to Image Converter can render text, line, arc, ellipse, Bezier, color, image, form and any other elements from PS and EPS files to image formats quickly, which can give you a high quality and efficiency conversion result.

This application is able to be called from any scripting or programming languages such as .NET, Visual Basic, C/C++, Delphi, C#, PHP, ASP, etc. Postscript to Image Converter can be used in COM, DLL, command line, with which the file conversions can be done consecutively or simultaneously.

You can download the free evaluation version of the application at and unzip it to your computer. Then the executable file ps2img.exe will be runnable at once and it is the called program in the conversion from eps to pdf. There are four licenses of the application designed for adding in consideration of meeting the requirements of different users. If you want to buy the application, you need to visit its homepage:

If you have not used Postscript to Image Converter before and don’t know how to use it, there is need to open MS-DOS command prompt window and directly drag the executable file ps2img.exe into it to view all the usages of the commands. Or you can access into the homepage of the application to see “Command Line Options”.

To open MS-DOS command prompt window, you can click “Start”—“Run” or press “Window”+ “R” on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box and input “cmd” or “CMD” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then please click “OK” button.

The usage of the command line is like the following sample:

ps2img [options] <-i PS File> [-o Output]

If you want to convert eps to pdf or setting several parameters for the target file, you can refer to the following command line examples:

ps2img –i D:aa.eps –o D:\bb.pdf

This command line is only for converting eps to pdf without setting parameters. In the command line, if you want to call any file, you need to use its full path. The path and the name of the target file is the one you need to specify yourself.

ps2img –f 4 –l 6 C:\aa.eps C:\bb.pdf

If the input eps format file is a multipage one and you want to convert several pages of eps to pdf document. So you need to use the options “-f” which means the first page to convert and “-l” which means the last page to convert in the command line.

ps2img -i C:\*.eps -o C:\*.pdf

Postscript to Image Converter also supports to make batch conversion, you just need to use the wildcard character “*” to convert multiple eps files to multiple pdf document in batch like in this conversion.

Al last, please press “Enter” button on the keyboard to run the conversion from eps to pdf.

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