Convert doc to tiff and set compression mode by command line

   When you need to convert doc to tiff and compress it by command line, maybe you can have a free trial of VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter. Meanwhile after conversion, you can specify width and height, content position and others. It can also help you batch convert MS Office, OpenOffice files to PDF, Postscript, PS, EPS and other image etc. formats.  In the following part, I will show you how to use it.

Step 1. Download DOC to Any Converter

  • As this is command line version software, once downloading finishes, there will be an zip file. Please check readme.txt to know the basic usage and parameters.
  • Then open MS Dos Windows and call the executable file in it. When you run this software, please refer to the usage and examples.

Step 2. Convert doc to tiff and compress it by command line.

  • Usage:  DOC2Any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>] 
  • When you convert doc, docx and other Office files to tiff, please refer to the following command line templates.
  • doc2any.exe -useprinter -xres 300 -yres 300 -bitcount 1 -compression 4 "C:\in.doc" "C:\out.tif"
    By this command line, you can convert doc to tiff using virtual printer and specify bitcount and compression mode.
    doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 -showofficeui "C:\in.doc" "C:\out.tif"
    By this command line, we can use Office to convert doc to tiff and show Office Windows during conversion.
    doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 -useprinter -delay 5o000 "C:\in.doc" "C:\out.pdf"
    This command line has the same functions with the above one  but it can delay some milliseconds before conversion.
    doc2any.exe -multipagetif -killoffice 0 -useprinter "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
    By this command line, we can convert doc file to multipage tiff file.
    doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88880 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
    This command line can help you convert doc to tiff and compress it by 204x98  G4 ClassF TIFF.
    doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88881 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
    doc2any.exe -useprinter -compression 88883 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
    doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useprinter -compression 88880 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.tif
    Same in converting doc to tiff but when compression, it takes different methods.
    for %F in (D:\test\*.doc) do "doc2any.exe" "%F" "%~dpnF.tif"
    This command line can help you write bat file for batch conversion of doc to tiff.

Now let us check the related parameters:
-useprinter              : Convert DOC files to other formats via virtual printer
-multipagetif            : Create multipage TIFF format
-showofficeui            : Show Office Windows during conversion
-compression <int>       : Set compression for TIFF image
    -compression 1     : NONE compression
    -compression 2     : CCITT modified Huffman RLE
    -compression 3     : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (1d)
    -compression 4     : CCITT Group 4 fax encoding
    -compression 5     : LZW compression
    -compression 6     : OJPEG compression
    -compression 7     : JPEG DCT compression
    -compression 32773 : PACKBITS compression
    -compression 32809 : THUNDERSCAN compression
    -compression 88880 : 204x98  G4 ClassF TIFF
    -compression 88881 : 204x196 G4 ClassF TIFF
    -compression 88882 : 204x98  G3 ClassF TIFF
    -compression 88883 : 204x196 G3 ClassF TIFF
    -compression 88884 : CCITT Group 3 fax encoding (2d)

Now let us check the conversion effect from the following snapshot. During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

input doc and output tiff

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