Concern to HTML to Image Convert SDK/COM for developer


Our company is an image solutions company in Korea.

One of our customers asked the solution to convert HTML document into image file.
Then we downloaded your sample program(html2image.exe) for HTML to Image Converter(Command Line) and tested.

We think your product is of good.

We are interested in and concerned about your product HTML to Image Converter(SDK/COM) for developer.

We want to test that HTML to Image Converter SDK/COM is available via an easily integrated COM object(DLL library),  enabling developers to access the converter via programming languages, such as Visual Basic, C/C++.

Then we are going to purchase your product.

Is it possible to get the example program and API document needed to develop?

Let me know via sending mail address as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Thanks for your message, please download HTML to Image Converter SDK from following URL,

This HTML to Image Converter SDK is include VC++, C#, VB, etc. sample source code, you can call HTML to Image Converter SDK from your code to convert HTML and web pages to image files easily.


Convert web pages to image files by VC++ source code,

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int WINAPI HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(const char *lpszCmdLine);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc == 1)
printf("Usage: [options] ...\n");
return 0;
char szCmdBuf[2048] = {0};
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
strcat(szCmdBuf, "\"");
strcat(szCmdBuf, argv[i]);
strcat(szCmdBuf, "\" ");
int nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(szCmdBuf);
printf("nRet = %d\n",nRet);
return nRet;

Convert web pages to image files by VB source code,

Private Declare Function HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd Lib "pdfshell.dll" (ByVal strCommandLine As String) As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim nRet As Long
Dim strCmd As String

strCmd = strCmd & " -url="
strCmd = strCmd & " -out=D:\temp\test.png"

nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(strCmd)
MsgBox (Str(nRet))
End Sub

Convert web pages to image files by C# source code,

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

[DllImport(@"pdfshell.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string strCmdLine);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCmd;
strCmd = "-$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -url= -out=D:\\temp\\test.png";
uint nRet = HtmlToImageSDKRunCmd(strCmd);

The following is the complete options which supported by HTML to Image Converter SDK product,

HTML to Image Converter, Copyright(c), All rights reserved.
Do you want us to customize this tool for you?
Do you want to suggest new feature for the future version?
Did you find any bug in our product?

Feel free to contact us:

Convert HTML files to image files, it has following key features:
Generate thumbnail previews of web pages.
Create full length screenshots of website pages.
Convert MHTML and HTML pages to images in batch.
Supports JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIF, EMF, WMF image formats.
Supports JPEG quality (compression) percent.
Supports capturing sites with flash content.
Supports timeout seconds of web page to load.
Supports delayed snapshots of web page.
Convert HTML files to image files in background.
Supports multi-threaded mode, able to capture multiple websites at a time.
Switches to disable java, activex, scripts on the web page.
Command Line parameters:
-url=<url>        The URL to capture (http:...|file:...|...)
-out=<path>       The target file (.png|bmp|jpeg|emf|...)
-width=<int>      Width of the output image (default: auto)
-height=<int>     Height of the output image (default: auto)
-xdpi=<int>       X resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-ydpi=<int>       Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-dpi=<int>        Both X and Y resolution of the output image (default: auto)
-bwidth=<int>     Browser width (default: 800)
-bheight=<int>    Browser height (default: automatically determined)
-quality=<int>    JPEG quality (compression) percent (default: 90)
-timeout=<ms>     Timeout in milliseconds (default: 120000, 0 is no timeout)
-delay=<ms>       Wait after loading (e.g. for Flash; default: 0)
-highquality      Create high quality image files
-silent           Whether to surpress some dialogs
-help             Print this help page and exit
-$                Input your license key to remove demo watermark
html2image -url= -out=C:\verydoc.png
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.jpg -quality=70
html2image -url= -out=C:\out.png -width=100 -height=200 -dpi=200
html2image -$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
html2image -$=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX -url= -out=C:\test.png
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -bwidth=200 -bheight=200
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -timeout=120000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.wmf
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.emf
html2image -url=C:\test.mht -out=C:\test.tif
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -height=2000
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -height=4000
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -dpi=300
html2image -url=C:\test.htm -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -xdpi=200 -ydpi=300
html2image -url= -out=C:\test.png -highquality -width=2000 -height=4000 -xdpi=300 -ydpi=300

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