Compression not working on tiff

I am executing the following command and the compression is not working.

c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useoffice 1 -useprinter -xres 300 -yres 300 -compression 7 "\\R2-prod\Order_Folders\000000150361\00_R2_export\000000150361.doc" "C:\LogFiles\WorkArea\00_000000150361.tiff"

Can you give me any suggestions?
"-compression 7" is JPEG DCT compression, we suggest you may use “-compression 32773” to compress the TIFF file with PACKBITS compression to try again, we hoping “-compression 32773” will work better for you.

That works better thanks.

Note using the libtiff tiffcp command (ie not verydoc)   tiff compression lzw gives me significant space savings.   doc2any option of using lzw option of –compression 5 and  –compression 7 results in the same size as –compression 1 (no compression).   So the compression option is not being honored.

Thanks for your message, we will try to improve this function in the next version of doc2any.exe application, we will let you know after new version is ready, thanks for your patience.


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