How to call doc to any SDK from my application?
Hi, Thanks for your prompt reply. I have downloaded doc2any sdk in trial version it doesn't have any exe. I have doc2any dll file. Please...
Technology Center for VeryDOC products.
Hi, Thanks for your prompt reply. I have downloaded doc2any sdk in trial version it doesn't have any exe. I have doc2any dll file. Please...
Click on start menu, choose the run column and click it, you’ll see a dialogue window,input the character “cmd” and confirm, thus DOS widow is...
Open your computer and enter DOS window, drag the icon of the software of VeryDOC to any converter into DOS window, which downloaded from the...
I have used the following command to create the Tiff file attached. c:\doc2any\docprint_client.exe wait c:\doc2any\doc2any.exe -multipagetif -useoffice 1 -xres 300 -yres 300 "\\sc-ntfs4\R2-prod\Order_Folders\000009999991\01_Show_brief-Crew_paperwork\risk assessment.docx" "C:\LogFiles\WorkArea\risk...
Hi , I am trying to integrate the VeryDoc Doc to any converter for converting my documents into tiff image. It is not converting pdf...